On July 3, Sylvia and I arrived home from work simultaneously, a reasonably rare occurence. We took the elevator up to our condo together, started down the hall, and as I was unlocking the door Sylvia fell down in just the wrong way and broke her tibia in three places.
I called 911. The ambulance took at least a half hour to arrive - emergency services in Aberta's major cities often experience such delays thanks to growth pressures. We were taken to the Royal Alex, then waited in the hallway with the paramedics for a couple of hours, Sylvia trying to manage the incredible pain as best she could. A doctor - or was it a nurse? - my memory probably isn't to be trusted - put on a splint. Then they called orthopedics. X-rays were taken, we moved from room to room, and by three in the morning, Sylvia had a proper bed in section 32. I arrived home at four, got a couple of hours sleep, then headed back to the hospital.
Sylvia was still on the waiting list for emergency surgery; they had to put a rod in her tibia to properly fix the break. More than a day later, the operation was done, and done well; the doctors expect a full recovery, though it's going to take a couple of months. Now Sylvia is recuperating at Grandview, undergoing physiotherapy. She'll probably be there at least a couple of weeks, though she's determined to get out sooner.
Fortunately, the health care professionals at the Alex and at Grandview have been superb. Sylvia's received excellent care, and I'm very grateful to everyone who has helped her recover thus far.
As might be expected, Sylvia's emotions are bouncing up and down a little at this point. But she's exceptionally brave and tough, two qualities that attracted me to her in the first place. The wedding is going ahead as planned, though we might have to make some different arrangements for Sylvia's walk down the aisle...she was thinking of getting one of those man-portable things that Cleopatra rode around in (at least in popular fiction). At least it'll fit into the movie theme...

(Sylvia gave me her blessing to blog about this bit of news; it just didn't feel right to blithely write about comic books or Star Trek after a serious accident like this.)
Oh dear!
We are really shocked to hear the news! Our hearts are with you, Sylvia. Get better soon, and if we were closer we would come sign your cast.
Jeff and Susan
No cast to sign! Sylvia went with the rod-in-the-shinbone option. Pretty hard to sign the rod, unfortunately.
I'm glad to hear that everything's going to be okay. I'm sad to hear that your fiancee got hurt. I'm glad to hear that your wedding will continue as planned.
Ow!! That really sucks big time. Please pass on a hug from me and Greg. I'm glad to read that the wedding plans are continuing - I want to see lots of pictures! Plus the good news is that she will soon be your Wife of Steel (as long as she has the rod). You have to get her a shirt like this one. Comes equipped with an S for Sylvia!
Really, all the best. Trust me, it won't spoil the day.
Oooo, it's pink. Bionic Bride, Bride of Steel...lots of fun nicknames to choose from.
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